Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Best of Intentions


Someone had the best of intentions when they created this....or did they?
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Rox said...

I'm going straight to hell, that made me laugh!

Melinda said...


hahaha That's just HORRIBLE! Not sure what's worse - the picture or me for finding it so hilarious.

Wonder what it was like to work in the factory that made those...

KFarmer said...

Count me in with the rest~ that is just too funny :) I NEEDS ONE! LOL!

Suldog said...

I would feel utterly blasphemous flipping that switch. Eww!

Kevin and Beth said...

It took me a minute but that is hilarious. I'm still giggling....also, thanks for pointing me in the direction of the boobs blog and charlie the coyote...loved them both.