Monday, August 07, 2006

New Look

Tell me what you think about the new look.

I need to tweak it some more, edit links etc.... I am an HTML novice and still practically illiterate with it, I can't even figure out how to get the nav bar back up the top. I like having the search option. Am I missing an obvious solution?

At least I've moved a smidge beyond the cookie cutter template. Someday I'll be able to custom design my own, yea, right, uhuh.......pigs will be flying then too.

At least this template is more "me" - thanks Caz! And yes, the lady in the picture looks just like me..............oh look, a flying pig!


Anonymous said...

Very nice, clean, aesthetically pleasing, well-organized -- the redesign definitely has my approval :-)

Stu said...

Wow, wow, wow! Really excellent. Elegant, yet mysterious and dangerous (just like my wife!)... Really great Shar, really great!

Stu said...

As for the missing navbar, my money says that your template has a bit of code in it that removes the navbar. This url contains the code to look for (and to remove)... Good luck!

KFarmer said...


Ericka said...


Suldog said...

I like it a bunch. It looks clean and sharp.

We both changed templates on the same day - we must be spiritually linked or something...

Sharfa said...

Suldog - I noticed that too! I like your new look.

Sharfa said...

Stu - thanks for the tip. The correct code was there, I had to edit a bit and move the picture down so the entire bar would be displayed. I figured it out - yay me!

Stu said...

Yay you!

Polly Zero said...

I LOVE the new layout. Very gorgeous. I must admit I am biased since I am spiritually inclined. :)

Myself, I've been on this minimalist kick lately which is why my blog and writing page are so simple.

Anonymous said...

I have been out of town (the country even!) on vacation, so I missed the update.

I love it.