When we are young, we often times take them for granted. It's only as we reach adulthood and have children of our own that we appreciate what our Fathers truly mean to us. Sometimes life gets so hectic and consuming that we forget to tell Dad how much we love him and how important he is to us. Take the time today to think about what your Father means to you, then tell him. Call him, go see him, hug him.

I'm a "Daddy's Girl".
He is my rock. He is alway there when I need him, no matter how big or small the problem.

He is the kindest, most patient giving person I have ever known. He can fix anything. At the darkest times in my life, he always made me feel better. He has always shown me the brighter side. He's an optimist.
He has a wicked sense of humor and a laugh that warms my heart.

He instinctively knows when to give advice and when to let me find my own path.
He never judges.

I never want to disappoint my Dad. Not because he would disapprove or be upset with me, but because of the look in his eyes that he failed me somehow.
He works hard and is always working.
When I was younger, I thought I was so smart and I knew more than he did. The older I get, the less I know. I regret not listening to him when I was young and foolish.
He is the best Grandpa that ever lived, hands down.

He always has time for me, no matter what.
He is smart, and wise. He puts everyone elses needs before his own.
When I grow up, I want to be just like him.
I love you Daddy.
You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful father. This beautiful post had me dripping salt into my coffee-
That's one super tribute. Good job!
YOU are a lucky girl!!!
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