I called to the cat howling in the kitchen window. There must have been an intruder in the yard she was warning off. She ran down the hall and leapt on the bed with a "reeeeoow!"
This caused Julietta to bolt upright and trot down the hall to the living room rug. I turned on the nightstand light only to be greeted by a "RUFF!" The first time she had barked since moving in with us. It was an assertive, insistent bark.
I walked down the hall to see what that was all about. She looked up at me with eyes that said "Get that thing out of our den or I'm sleeping on the couch!". It wasn't until she sniffed the entire bedroom and was convinced the unwelcome feline was gone that she settled into her crate.
Next I'll be hearing "Maaaawm! She's touching me. Am not. Yes you are! I'm not touchiiing you......"
it will take time ... but it should be ok. :)
you are touching me! on my funny bone : ) too funny...
ahhh. life with animals. :)
Great blog, found you via Magazine Man.
They are doing much better - a silent truce is in place.
Thanks Kath!
Welcome Frecklehead & Jennifer! Glad you stopped by!
Where you been girl? How is the farm? What about the no smokie? You okay? Talk to me! : )
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