Tuesday, January 30, 2007

And the Answer Is......


The little lady loves to burrow and hide in anything and everything, including sweatshirt hoods. It must be some kind of nesting instinct. She'll attack ferociously if you put your hand near her when she is scoping out a cozy dark hiding spot. She actually fell off the counter once, when burrowing in a dishtowel. I was there to catch her, of course.

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KFarmer said...

OMG! I did not know that was her tail! How cute is that :) I bet she keeps your neck warm too -

Sharfa said...

She doesn't snuggle so much as get in your face. Particularly, right under your nose and says "Give Us a Kiss" to get and give kisses. She'll get all fluffy and her head feathers tickle the daylights out of your nose.

James got the closest guess with the "Magick feather" comment.

Anonymous said...

Hah, little did I know that it wasn't a feather but an entire bird. So, do guests in Galileo's presence have to check all their pockets and purses for nesting birds before leaving?

Sharfa said...

Haha! She usually isn't out when guests are around. She's so independent and refuses to stay off the floor, too easy to step on if you're not aware. I never know where I'll find her! I end up putting her back in her cage when I'm cooking. She follws me everywhere and will jump on my foot to be picked up. Can be quite shocking in bare feet or if you don't know she's snuck up on you!

Suldog said...

A budgie! How many animal friends do you have? 4?

Sharfa said...

Add the corn snake and the Leopard Gecko and Welcome to Animal House.

Chunks said...

Oh my. I'm so not a bird person that the sight of that bird on someone else's neck almost made me have a panic attack!

Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful birdy, I would just keel over dead if it was on me!